Thursday, October 23, 2008

How 'bout Dem Apples?

I wrote a post about picking apples. You may have read it. Or you may read it immediately after reading this post. Either way, it's there. Indelible. However, I just came to the inevitable conclusion that the title of that post, "Peter Piper Picked an Apple," is completely ridiculous and awful. I mean, wow, did I really come up with that (a), and I thought that was clever (b)? It's laughable. Reading it aloud today immediately made me realize my mistake. What was I thinking? My only explanation, to myself, is that maybe it was the first thought that popped into my head like that first popped kernel when you're microwaving popcorn. Solitary and alone, surrounded by hundreds of its unpopped brethren, only to be pushed and shoved while the rest of the kernels mature. Maybe my idea just needed hundreds of other ideas to "pop" and then I could have picked the best popped one. I didn't do that. At the first pop, I stopped. Now, it's too late. Too late to change the title without sacrificing the original effort. Too late to change it without other people calling me out and telling me that my title was dumb and not funny, which I already know.

Since I couldn't allow myself to change the title, I went with the next best thing. Posting another post derailing my poor judgment. Obviously, the apple picking post should have been titled, "How 'bout Dem Apples?" It's 100% logical. Next time, I'll wait for the best title and I won't just take the first one that comes along. I promise.


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