Andre: for the record, blue velvet = really good
mulholland drive = really good
me: i just saw it [Blue Velvet]...and i didn't get it
it was annoying
Andre: everything else by lynch = not very good
i have to see blue velvet again
but i remember really really digging it
me: you would
1:06 AM
Andre: i actually saw it after mulholland drive
i hated lost highway
but blue velvet is coherent
its A to B
(in terms of story)
lost highway is A B F J D 9 4 Z
I think that sums it up. I agree with Dre, except that Blue Velvet, isn't that good. And, further, it's really really not good on cable TV with all of the curse words dubbed. Lots of freaks and don't mess with me freak and I'll freak you up. Very jarring and took me out of the film, which already had its issues.
There just wasn't enough of a point to it. I sat their watching and feeling that I was going to come away with nothing. Nothing that would empower, inspire, educate, entertain, impress. I was left thinking: so that happened, upset that I wasted two and a half hours. So be it. On the bright side, I was able to fast-forward through commercials. Thanks DVR.
So in closing:
Dennis Hopper likes
to curse, suck gas, and hit folks
Suburbia? Nope.
definition of awkward? i walked in on my mom watching this right at the part where hopper is huffing and saying 'mommy, baby wants to [word]' and then starts screaming 'DON'T LOOK AT ME!'
That seems pretty normal to me. Nothing awkward there because Blue Velvet speaks to the generations in language we all understand. At least you weren't watching Grandma's Boy: "Baby loves milk."
did i mention i was in junior high? maybe that's why it was weird.
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