In fact, I was going to write about how underrated the film, The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou is. It is an underrated film. It's colorful, quirky, funny, tender, awkward, creative, and has a great soundtrack. It's not as funny as Rushmore or as affecting as The Darjeeling Limited, but if you haven't seen it or haven't seen it in a few years, I recommend popping it in your DVD player. There's something about Wes Anderson's movies that make you smile even when they plod along.

The theater is catty-corner to an Uno Chicago Grill (formerly, Pizzeria Uno), Applebees, and a Panera Bread. Welcome to middle-American suburbia! I mean, really, an Applebees next door to an Uno and a Panera Bread? Who among us can make that choice? It's a tough decision, to say the least.
We also have a cool, eclectic, vintage-ish, antique-esque, semi-new/semi-used goods store called Stray. I stopped by today. It's a block and a half from my apartment and it has some sweet stuff. Reclaimed windows with mirror and stained-glass, LP record players, picture frames, antique glasses, some vintage clothing, and other knick knacks, like the VHS version of Chasing Amy. A good spot to find a cool looking mirror or an ashtray. Something to spruce up your lame, sterile, mass-produced apartment that revels in conformity. I like character. I like living among things that have a certain charm or nostalgia to them. It reminds you of how things have been inhabiting this planet before you were born. Those metal cabinet stands are much older and have more cache than you. You are boring. They are cute, rusted, and useful. You need a shave, a haircut, and a toothbrush.
These are just a couple of places in my neighborhood. I guarantee to keep exploring and reporting back, but only 20% of the time.
The next time you're in Sunnyside, and feel like maybe you need antique furniture or a wall accent, walk east on Queens Boulevard, make a left on 48th St. and walk two avenues to Skillman Ave. It's on the north-east corner across from a Mexican bodega, of which there are about 40 in Sunnyside.

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