1. Pacino looks so old it's astonishing. He looks like a walking advertisement for euthanasia. His face looks like a mule that's been beaten with a rod continuously for 60 years. It's like tan-colored beef jerky.
2. De Niro looks like an old, beaten-down, scar-tissue around the eyes boxer. He's made so many bad movies, he hasn't remembered what a good movie is supposed to look like.
3. The script and story are disjointed, lacking humor, suspense, and intelligence.
4. Still it's worth renting because, well, it's De Niro and Pacino, so why not?
In the movie, there's a serial killer and he leaves poems [which weren't that good]. How fitting then, that, after seeing it, I will summon my poetic powers to bless it with a Haiku Review? Very fitting.
De Niro is old
Pacino is old times twelve
It's no Step Brothers
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