
From: Jared Goodman
To: shaunaeatssunnyside@gmail.com
Date: Thu, Sep 25, 2008 at 5:02 PM
Subject: Hey
Shauna,To: shaunaeatssunnyside@gmail.com
Date: Thu, Sep 25, 2008 at 5:02 PM
Subject: Hey
Hi, I came across your blog when my buddy sent me a link to an article of yours on about.com about cheap eats in Sunnyside. You had some good calls. Then we both scrolled through your blog. I really enjoyed the insider info and volume of pictures. I recently moved to Sunnyside and I have a Sunnyside/daily observation-type blog and I wanted to link to yours and maybe you could link to mine. Please check it out and let me know if that's cool.
Also, I know I sort of teased you in my post, but it was all in good humor! Take care.
That was on the 25th as you can see. And guess what? She never responded. I must have been a bit too casual with my quips.
Yesterday, Alex Bogdan (quickly becoming my biggest fan) sent me the following message at work:
You made the big time: http://shaunaeatssunnyside.tumblr.com/
I was busy and didn't get a chance to see what the link was about until later, but then I did. At the end of Shauna's latest post she writes this concluding remark, linking to my post:
This dude was feeling snarky and critiqued my entire write-up. Um, word?
Hook, line, and sinker. I was caught. I (a dude) expressed snarkiness and critiqued her write-up. It's true, I did. The question is (a) was that effectively a link to my blog and should I link her blog on the right hand column titled "links" on my blog, or (b) did I get punked? Let me know.

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