New York is the Big Apple because:
1. It's shiny.
2. It's big.
3. It's packed with fiber.
4. One New York City a day keeps the doctor away [This was beyond cheesy, but I kept it].
5. They grow a lot of apples in New York State and since New York City is the biggest city in New York, it's known as the Big Apple.
6. It's tasty.
7. Apple pie is awesome.
8. You just want to take a big bite out of it.
9. I like hookers.
10. I mean strip clubs.
11. I mean going to public libraries and reading books.
12. I mean, what am I talking about?
13. I mean, oh, yeah, apples.

It's an apple divider. It is mind-blowingly amazing. On a scale of "Beyond dumb" to "Now I can die" this registers as "I'll kill you if you even look at it fondly." It's not even a new invention. It's been around for years, I'm sure [I'm not sure]. How did I not have one of these growing up? In college? In law school? In The Big Apple? What have I been doing with my life. Not having cable for 4 years, understandable. I hate media conglomerates such as Time Warner. I chose to stand up against media oppression through market means. Not having a toaster for 8 years, understandable. Where would it fit on my 1 square foot of kitchen counter space? Nowhere. How often do I really toast bread? Rarely. Did I miss making toaster waffles and Pop-Tarts? So much. Every time I walked through the frozen food section of the grocery store, past the half-foggy, glass doors full of frozen Eggo Waffles, organic buttermilk waffles, strawberry, blueberry, banana waffles, a little bit of me died. Let's not even talk about Pop-Tarts. I fear that my tears will short-circuit my keyboard. Not having an apple divider? Now I can see that that was sacrilege. It's fantastic. It cores and slices. Perfectly. It gives you the most amount of apple from your apple [This should be the tag-line].
Think about it. You buy an apple. You hold it in your hand, you wash off the pesticides and residual wax, and you dry it with paper towel or the bottom of your shirt. You're ready to sink your teeth in like the animal, vampire, hulking, salivating, maniacal beast that y

You bite around. You have your own method for consumption, just like a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup. Maybe you stick to the middle then chew off the top and bottom. Maybe you start at the top and work your way down. It's up to you. Unfortunately, you never get as close to the seeds as possible because you don't want to (a) eat the seeds or (b) impair the structural frame of the apple which could cause it to split in half and make the rest of the apple difficult to consume.
The next time, you decide to cut your own slices. You grab a knife and start slicing, but it's still imperfect, inefficient. This is where the apple divider steps in. It gets mechanically close to the core, leaving nothing but the thinnest cylinder to discard. The rest of the apple is sectioned and sliced into 8 equal slices. It takes less than 5 seconds to do. It's a joy to behold. I bought it yesterday and already have consumed two apples. I think you see where this is going.
There is another well-known expression: "You are what you eat."
Hey Jared-it's Adam Brown from Kyle and Chuck's office...Kyle suggested I take a gander. Very fun read and I especially like how you sign every post, "Jared." Hope all is well!
Thanks Adam, just trying to keep it real. Nice use of the word "gander."
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